Arvelin päivitella blogista ja laitella kuvia tosin osa hiukan vahempia.
Istanbulista ja ystavista.Myohemmin laittelen lisaa.Paljon kuvaisia.

Ferryboat to Istanbul.There is lots of cars and people too.

Lots of cars,so crowd.

Also you can see lots of birds when they flying near of ferryboat.

Sunset and some smala ship.

beautiful sunset.


Everywhere you can see turkish flag.

Maybe i put this pic twice but lots of cars in ferryboat.

Beutiful sea.

In Istanbul i ate dinner with my friend`s family.Also woman who sitting next to me she is nurse who saw my friend when he borned.

Yeniboshana,Istanbul.Also you can see blue light far ,there is airport.

Inan market in Yeniboshna.They gave my friend name for shop.

Street in morning time from my friend`s balcony.

Early morning time in Yeniboshna.


They had some rubbish on the wall.

Our living room.

Our kitchen.

We have turkish toilet too.And i like it.Like in public places its really good to use even some people saying that its not good ,but prefer turkish toilet in public places:D

Also european toilet.

Stairs in our building.

My clotches.

This doll is gift from my friend`s mother.Her name is Viola.


Some man selling something near of our balcony.

My soulsister Beatriz from Spain and I.We hanging in studio.

Turkish people can dancing very well.

Metropol park cafeteria our second home.

Hanging with friends.Karen and Rusen.
It was nice day:)